Welcome to Jealous Shop
JealousMedia Shop is owned by Carl Stolt and Stephanie Midhammar.
Swedish based company that ship worldwide.
Public limited company in Sweden with organization number: 559045-8260
One day we decided that we wanted profile clothes for our other company www.jealousmedia.se because we love our Jealous Logo. We ended up making a whole online store instead. We love to create and we love everything about design.
Can you relate to our brands?
Maybe you have people that are jealous of you and your success or people maybe envy you overall ? Do you believe in karma like we do ? Nature brands because we love animals and the nature.
Follow our instagram @JealousMediaShop
Most popular categories
New arrival!
Finally, our range of swimsuits and bikinis has arrived
Our Brand
We love design and create brands that reflect our lifestyle and outlook on life. We are used to people being jealous and envy our success. That´s why we push to create a clothing brand with our key words in life